domingo, febrero 18, 2007


Estos muchos de los TAG que se pueden usar en una página HTML, y que hasta al momento desconocia muchos de ellos y algunos no sabia para que servian.
Este contenido me lo he copiado de la web:

Me lo copio en mi propio BLOG para poder consultarlo sin no tener que buscarlo.
  • <A></A> This element is what the hyperlinked structure of the World Wide Web is based on. It is used in two ways:
    1. Create a hyperlink to another anchor (Link to another page or website)
    2. Create an anchor in a document

  • <ABBR></ABBR> Identifies that the content is an abbreviated form of some kind.

  • <ACRONYM></ACRONYM> Identifies that some text is an acronym.

  • <ADDRESS></ADDRESS> Specifies information such as authorship and contact details for the current document. Browsers should render the content with paragraph-breaks before and after.

  • <APPLET></APPLET> Embed a Java applet into the document.

  • <AREA></AREA> Used to implement a client-side image map.

  • <AUDIOSCOPE> This element displays the audioscope, the graphical display of the amplitude of the current sound over time.

  • <B></B> Change the text to bold.
    <bold></bold> or <strong></strong> can also be used.

  • <BASE> Supply a base address that must be used for resolving relative URI's to absolute URI's.

  • <BASEFONT> Change the appearance of the default font that is used to draw the text.

  • <BDO></BDO> This element overrides the bidirectional algorithm, the default algorithm to resolve the direction to show the text.

  • <BGSOUND> Play a background sound when the page is opened. This element must be placed in the HEAD section of the document
  • <BIG></BIG> Increase the current size of the font by 1. The maximum size is 7.

  • <BLACKFACE></BLACKFACE> This element will render the text in a double-weight boldface font.

  • <BLINK></BLINK> Changes the text to blinking. Drives people insane. *smiles*

  • <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> This is used to enclose larger quotations from other works in the page

  • <BODY></BODY> This element contains the body of the document. If a <HEAD> section is present in the page then the body must be placed after this section.

  • <BQ></BQ> This element is an alias of the blockquote element.

  • <BR> Line Break. Break the current line and continue on the next line.

  • <BUTTON></BUTTON> This attribute creates a button that the user can push.

  • <CAPTION></CAPTION> Specify the caption of a table. This element is only valid inside the TABLE element.

  • <CENTER></CENTER> Centers everything inside the opening and closing element.
    This tag is equivalent to <DIV align="center">.

  • <CITE></CITE> Used for citations or references to other sources.
  • <CODE></CODE> Used for source code examples.

  • <COL> This element sets the attribute values for one or more columns.

  • <COLGROUP> This element creates a column group and sets attribute values for all the columns in this group.

  • <COMMENT></COMMENT> Used to insert comments in the HTML source which will be ignored by the browser. All HTML elements inside the comment will be ignored. You can use this code to put comments in your pages, which can help you when you have to edit the source later.
    HTML generating programs sometimes store program-specific information inside comments,
    so they will not be visible, but still available to the program.
    This code is not a container, but inside it you can put one or more comments,
    by surrounding with "--". The end of the code is indicated with the sequence -->.
  • <DD></DD> The description of a term in a definition list.
  • <DEL></DEL> This is a element that is used to indicate text that has been deleted.

  • <DFN></DFN> This is a element that is used to indicate a word or phrase that is being defined.

  • <DIR></DIR> Create a directory list.

  • <DIV></DIV> This element is a general container for a part of the contents of a page.
    Through the DIV element you can add attributes, like style information, to this whole division. The DIV element will not show anything when used without any other attribute. A division will terminate a paragraph opened with the P element.
    <DIV align="center"> is the same as the deprecated <CENTER> element.

  • <DL></DL> Create a definition list. This is a list where each item consists of two parts.

  • <EM></EM> Put "emphasis" on the enclosed text.

  • <EMBED></EMBED> The EMBED element lets you display output from a plug-in application in an HTML document.

  • <FIELDSET></FIELDSET> Group a set of related controls in a form together.

  • <FONT></FONT> Change the font which is used to draw the text.

  • <FORM></FORM> Create a form inside a document.

  • <FRAME> In a page with frames, this element defines how the a specific frame looks and what is initially shown inside the frame, when the framed page is loaded.
    This element is only allowed inside a FRAMESET element.

  • <FRAMESET></FRAMESET> Container for creating a document that consists of several frames.

  • <H1></H1> The elements H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 are used to create several levels of headers, with H1 as the most important header and H6 as the least important.

  • <HEAD></HEAD> Container for elements describing the current document. This section contains no contents the browser should display in the body of the text.
    The following elements are allowed inside the HEAD section :


  • <HR> Draw a horizontal rule.

  • <HTML></HTML> The container for a complete HTML document.

  • <I></I> Change the text to italic.
    <italic></italic> can also be used.

  • <IFRAME></IFRAME> This element is a container to create an inline or floating frame. A floating frame is a frame in which the contents of another HTML document can be seen.

  • <ILAYER></ILAYER> With this element you can create several layers of content on a page. These layers can be stacked on top of each other, showing parts of underlying layers through non-occupied space.

  • <IMG> Place an image in the document.

  • <INPUT> Create a control for a form. A control is an element which the user can use to enter data, like textboxes, radiobuttons and checkboxes and is only valid inside the FORM element.

  • <ISINDEX> This element will show an text input field. After pressing the <Enter> key the browser will construct a new URL, with the current address, a question mark and the text the user entered in the text field, and send it to the server

  • <KBD></KBD> This is used to identify text that a user is supposed to enter.

  • <LABEL></LABEL> Attach information to a specific field of a form.

  • <LAYER></LAYER> With this element you can create several layers of content on a page. These layers can be stacked on top of each other, showing parts of underlying layers through non-occupied space.

  • <LEGEND></LEGEND> Give the caption for a group of related controls, created with the FIELDSET element.

  • <LI></LI> Identifies an item in a list.

  • <MAP></MAP> This element is a container for the map that is used in a client-side image map.

  • <MARQUEE></MARQUEE> This element is a container that enables you to create a scrolling text marquee.

  • <MENU></MENU> A container for a list of menu items.

  • <META> This element supplies meta-information about the current document.

  • <NOBR></NOBR> The NOBR element stands for NO BReak. This means all the text between the start and end of the NOBR elements cannot have line breaks inserted between them.

  • <NOEMBED></NOEMBED> This element defines content within EMBED content that is to be ignored by browsers that can activate the EMBED plug-in application.

  • <NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES> This element provides a way to create alternative content that is intended for browsers that can't show frames, or are configured not to show them. A browser that displays the frames ignores the contents of the NOFRAMES element.

  • <OBJECT></OBJECT> The object element allows the author to embed an object into the document. This element also replaces the APPLET element.

  • <OPTION></OPTION> This describes an option in a listbox of a form.

  • <P></P> This indicates a paragraph in the document. It is a container but most browsers allow you to omit the closing element.

  • <PARAM> This element is for supplying parameters to a JAVA applet or another object and is only valid inside the APPLET and OBJECT elements.

  • <PLAINTEXT></PLAINTEXT> All HTML elements inside this container are ignored by the browser, and shown as they were only text.

  • <PRE></PRE> This element allows you to show preformatted text as it is, using the supplied whitespace of the text.

  • <Q></Q> This is used to enclose short quotations from other works in the page.

  • <S></S> Render text as strikethrough.

  • <SAMP></SAMP> This element describes text that is output from a program.

  • <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> This element adds the possibility of programming inside a HTML document by using a scripting language.

  • <SELECT></SELECT> This element lets you create a listbox as an input field on a form.

  • <SERVER></SERVER> This element is used to write JavaScripts that will be executed on the server, in the process of serving the page to the browser.

  • <SMALL></SMALL> Draw the text using a smaller font than the one that is used for normal text.

  • <SPACER> With a spacer you can control the horizontal whitespace that appears between words in a line, the vertical whitespace that appears between lines on a page, or set up rectangular spacing elements.

  • <SPAN></SPAN> This element is used to create a structure in a document. By using this element you can give a part of the document a name, or apply style sheet information to the part.

  • <STRIKE></STRIKE> Render text as strikethrough. Same as the <S> tag.

  • <STRONG></STRONG> Render the text with strong emphasis.
  • <STYLE></STYLE> This element is a container for style sheet elements to use with this document.

  • <SUB></SUB> This is a container for text that should be displayed as a subscript, and, if practical, using a smaller font (compared with normal text).

  • <SUP></SUP> Display the text as a superscript.

    Create a table layout which can contain cells in rows and columns. The cells of a table are specified with the TR, TH and TD elements.

    This element defines the body part of a table.

  • <TD></TD>
    The container for a cell in a table. Inside this you can put all the HTML coding
    you want to appear in the cell.

    Define a multiline text field in a form. This element is only valid inside the FORM element.

    This element defines the footer of a table.

    Specify the title of the HTML document. This element is only allowed inside the HEAD element.

  • <TR></TR>
    Define a row inside a table.

  • <U></U>
    Underline your text.

  • <UL></UL>
    Create an unordered list of items, where unordered means the individual items are not numbered, but have a bullet in front of them. If you want numbered items use an ordered list. The items in the list are identified with the LI element.

  • <VAR></VAR>
    Used to describe a metasyntactic variable, where the user is to replace the variable with a specific instance. Typically displayed in italics.

  • <WBR>
    The WBR element stands for Word Break.

sábado, febrero 10, 2007

Getting Things Done

Mi última adquisión es cuestiones de libros es "Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" del David Allen . Yo me lo he comprado en amazon por que no lo he podido encontrar en otro sitio cenca de mi ciudad y aprovechando que un amiguete queria algunos libros más pues me decidi a comparlo on-line.

Ya os contare las conclusiones que he sacado sobre el tema.

domingo, febrero 04, 2007

Script Galeria de Imagenes

Este es el código fuente de un script para ver las imagenes. Sólo permite adelantar y retroceder en las imagenes. No hay una visualizacion previa.

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
// slider wbc /with button control
// javascriptfacil ·

var myPix = new Array("000.gif"," 013.jpg","015.jpg","019.jpg","025.jpg","031.jpg","033.jpg","035.jpg","041.jpg","045.jpg","049.jpg")
var thisPic = 0
function processPrevious() {
if (document.images && thisPic > 0) {
function processNext() {
if (document.images && thisPic < 10) {

Este script podemos introducirlo en la propia pagina que lo va a utilizar o en un fichero externo.

    <td WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFC082" VALIGN="TOP"><div align="center"><center><table
        <td WIDTH="100%" bgColor=#8BB7E2 VALIGN="TOP"><p ALIGN="CENTER">&nbsp;</p>
                    <p ALIGN="CENTER">

<img src="000.gif" width="300" height="225" VSPACE="0" HSPACE="0"   BORDER="0" LOOP="0" NAME="myPicture"></p>

        <p ALIGN="CENTER"><font FACE="Arial"><b>

<a HREF="javascript:processPrevious()">&lt;&lt;Anterior</a>&nbsp;|
<a HREF="javascript:processNext()">Siguiente&gt;&gt;</a></b></font></p>

        <p ALIGN="CENTER">&nbsp;</td>

El código coloreado es el más importante y es el que hay que tener cuidado para no estropear el script.

Pre-Carga de imagenes mediante un script.

Más código fuente de JavaScript en un fichero externos llamado: progressbar.js. En este archivos tenemos el siguiente codigo fuente

// Progressbar - Version 2.0
// Author: Brian Gosselin of

// Aca deberás declarar las imágenes que desees que sean precargadas

var imagenames=new Array( 'index2/0001.gif' , 'index2/0002.gif' , 'index2/0003.gif' , 'index2/arriba_derc.jpg' , 'index2/arriba_izq3.jpg' , 'index2/arriba_medio.gif' , 'index2/bajo_der2.jpg' , 'index2/bajo_izq2.jpg' , 'index2/bajo_medio2.jpg' , 'index2/medio_der.jpg' , 'index2/medio_izq.jpg' , 'index2/0_00.gif' , 'index2/0_01.gif' , 'index2/0_02.gif' , 'index2/0_03.gif' , 'index2/0_04.gif' , 'index2/0_05.gif' , 'index2/cohete.gif' , 'index2/nenaX.gif' , 'index2/oscar.gif' , 'index2/sa- en-carbon.gif' , 'index2/xavi2.gif' , 'index2/oir.jpg' , 'index2/amigos3.gif' , 'index2/coc2.gif' );

var yposition=300;           // Posición en que se carga la barra desde la posición
var xposition=206;                            // de arriba de la ventana, en Pixels.
var loadedcolor='#207BD' ;  // Color del progreso de la barra.
var unloadedcolor='#FFFFFF'; // Color del Fondo, del área que no ha sido cargada.
var barheight=15;            // Alto de la Barra de progreso en Pixels (Mínimo 25)
var barwidth=265;            // Ancho de la Barra en Pixels
var bordercolor='Black';     // Color del Borde

// Modificación realizada por Gabriel M. Rodríguez (
// que muestra en la barra de estado, la cantidad de imágenes cargas y
// el redireccionamiento cuanda la carga de las imágenes finaliza.

// A partir de aca no hace falta tocar nada.
// -----------------------------------------


var NS4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) < 5)? true : false;

var IE4 = (document.all)? true : false;

var NS6 = (parseFloat( navigator.appVersion) >= 5 && navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 )? true: false;

var pagina="index2.htm"

var imagesdone=false;

var blocksize=barwidth/(imagenames.length );


var loaded=0, perouter, perdone, images=new Array();

var txt=(NS4)?'<layer name="perouter" bgcolor="'+bordercolor+'" visibility="hide">' : '<div id="perouter" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; background-color:'+bordercolor+'">';

txt+='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr><td width="'+barwidth+'" height="'+barheight+'" valign="center">';

if(NS4)txt+='<ilayer width="100%" height="100%"><layer width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="'+unloadedcolor+'" top="0" left="0">';

txt+='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="center" width="'+barwidth+'" height="'+barheight+'" bgcolor="'+unloadedcolor+'"><center><font color="'+loadedcolor+'" size="1" face="arial">Cargando imágenes en korkishouse ...</font></center></td></tr></table>';

if(NS4) txt+='</layer>';

txt+=(NS4)? '<layer name="perdone" width="100%" height="'+barheight+'" bgcolor="'+loadedcolor+'" top="0" left="0">' : '<div id="perdone" style="position:absolute; top:1px; left:1px; width:'+barwidth+'px; height:'+barheight+'px; background-color:'+loadedcolor+'; z-index:100">';

txt+='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="center" width="'+barwidth+'" height="'+barheight+'" bgcolor="'+loadedcolor+'"><center><font color="'+unloadedcolor+'" size="1" face="arial">Cargando imágenes en korkishouse ...</font></center></td></tr></table>';

txt+=(NS4)? '</layer></ilayer>' : '</div>';


txt+=(NS4)?'</layer>' : '</div>';

function loadimages(){

perdone=document.all.perdone ;
images[n]=new Image();
setTimeout('checkload('+n+')' ,n*100);
function setouterpos(){
var ww=(IE4)? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth;
var x=(ww-barwidth)/2;
perouter.moveTo (x,yposition);
function dispbars(){
window.status="Precarga de las imágenes ... "+loaded+" / "+imagenames.length;
cliplayer(perdone, 0, blocksize*loaded, barheight, 0);
if(loaded>=imagenames.length)setTimeout('hideperouter()', 800);
function checkload(index){
(images[index].complete)? dispbars() : setTimeout('checkload('+index+')', 100);
function hideperouter(){
(NS4)? perouter.visibility="hide" :"hidden";
window.status='Pagina Cargada ...';'index2.htm');
function cliplayer(layer, ct, cr, cb, cl){
layer.clip.bottom=cb ;
if(IE4||NS6)'rect('+ct+' '+cr+' '+cb+' '+cl+')';

Este código es muy útil si se tienen que cargar muchas imagenes pesadas.